
Parenting is no simple task, whether you are expecting your first or fifth. Every child’s needs are different and what worked for one might have drastically different results for the other. Raising a child is already stressful, so make it easier on yourself with a little research, a little reading, and a whole lot of love and patience for yourself. After all, it’s worth remembering that parenting has just as much to do with the parents as it does with the children of any age. Take a break and check out these five top-of-the-market options to see what might help you and your little one get the most out of these early years.

BEST OVERALL | The Baby Book, Revised Edition: Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby from Birth to Age Two

The Baby Book, Revised Edition Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby from Birth to Age Two, by William Sears M.D., Martha Sears R.N., Robert Sears M.D., and James Sears M.D.

The Baby Book, Revised Edition Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby from Birth to Age Two, by William Sears M.D., Martha Sears R.N., Robert Sears M.D., and James Sears M.D.

It’s hard to look at a title that long with that many authors sporting so many extra letters and not raise an eyebrow in curiosity. The Baby Book, Revised Edition: Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby from Birth to Age Two is a tome that many parents consider to be a parenting bible of sorts, the starting point for many as they adventure into the realm of child-raising. A lot of information is packed into these pages, dealing with subjects like circumcision and choosing the right birthing environment all the way to self-help home care for common injuries, sicknesses, and allergies. The authors agree that there is no one single path for raising every child and encourage you to take their advice and knowledge as a resource for you to apply as the situation demands, all the while discovering what is the most fitting path for you and your little one. There is a veritable wealth of information to pull from and reference, making it a perfect book for a first-time parent before the day comes. Whether you are looking for yourself or a gift for a family or friend, start off on the right foot by choosing a solid jumping-off point. The Baby Book, Revised Edition: Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby from Birth to Age Two by the Searses has an MSRP of $22.00, but check the current The Baby Book, Revised Edition – Amazon price here.

BEST DESIGN | The Baby Owner’s Manual: Operating Instructions, Trouble-Shooting Tips, and Advice on First-Year Maintenance

The Baby Owner's Manual Operating Instructions, Trouble-Shooting Tips, and Advice on First-Year Maintenance, by Louis Borgenicht, M.D. and Joe Borgenicht, D.A.D.

The Baby Owner’s Manual Operating Instructions, Trouble-Shooting Tips, and Advice on First-Year Maintenance, by Louis Borgenicht, M.D. and Joe Borgenicht, D.A.D.

Who says parenting books have to be boring and pedantic? When it comes to an all-inclusive, ‘touch every base and land a home run’ sort of parenting basics guide, you’ll find all that and a hefty dose of humor in Louis and Joe Borgenicht’s The Baby Owner’s Manual: Operating Instructions, Trouble-Shooting Tips, and Advice on First-Year Maintenance. The Borgenichts bring an enjoyable, laugh-out-loud kind of humor to what would otherwise be a stressful time period in both your and your child’s life. Covering everything from “home installation” (preparing the nursery and home for the new arrival) to “understanding the baby’s power supply” (feeding and nutritional needs), each chapter of this book is far too fun to keep to yourself. This is likely the one parenting book that would win you best of the show at any baby shower unless you decide to keep it for yourself. On a serious note, the Borgenichts really do cover everything, from sleep schedules to tracking milestones, safety, and sickness, all in easily digested and thoughtfully categorized chapters. They even break down the first year into varying months, conscious of how frequently needs change throughout the initial year. Whether you’re shopping for you, a family member, or friend, this is one volume adults of our generation can truly appreciate, both for the information and humor through which it is presented. The Baby Owner’s Manual: Operating Instructions, Trouble-Shooting Tips, and Advice on First-Year Maintenance by Louis Borgenicht, M.D. and Joe Borgenicht, D.A.D. has an MSRP of $16.95, but check the current The Baby Owner’s Manual – Amazon price here.

EASIEST TO USE | On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep

On Becoming Baby Wise Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep, by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam, M.D.

On Becoming Baby Wise Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep, by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam, M.D.

A lack of sleep can make anyone irritable, and that goes for both you and your child. Irritability and crankiness builds a foundation for a bad day, causing everything to collapse, so get ahead with On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam, M.D. If you’re looking for the simplest answer on how to make your day run more smoothly and be the easiest to handle, start with your child’s sleep patterns and quality. The heart of the matter lies with scheduling and routine, and Ezzo and Bucknam even go further to engage with niche topics like sleep training and props and the effect of colic and reflux on breastfeeding schedules. As adults, schedule and routine allow us to maintain a healthy lifestyle, governing everything from rest to food to play, so why should a baby’s life start any differently? Don’t let yourself be caught up in the seemingly chaotic stress of raising a newborn. Take a breath, take a moment, and get a head start on how to start your child’s life out with order, because we all know it can get pretty crazy when left to its own devices. If you enjoy this installment, the Becoming Wise series continues to cover everything from your baby’s first night at home all the way up through toddler life and beyond. On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam M.D. has an MSRP of $15.95, but check the current On Becoming Baby Wise – Amazon price here.

MOST VERSATILE | What to Expect the First Year

What to Expect the First Year, by Heidi Murkoff

What to Expect the First Year, by Heidi Murkoff

The What to Expect series has been a mainstay of parenting guides for years, and What to Expect the First Year by Heidi Murkoff has sold over 11 million copies, including the convenience of digital copies on Kindle. This updated edition includes a ton of new and improved information without losing the trademark month-by-month presentation. This parenting guide covers everything from nursery safety to feeding, vitamins to breastfeeding, and beyond. An all-new chapter focuses on homemade baby food and digital interaction and screen time, while hot topics like eco-friendly, green parenting, potty training, and more get additional attention. If you’re looking for an all-in-one parenting guide that breaks down the potentially confusing and stressful first year into monthly, easily consumed bits, while demanding convenience and at-will download accessibility at all times, there are few other books that can meet your needs, and no other does it with quite this solid of a reputation. Even if you only have five minutes, as long as you have your phone and the Kindle app, you can pick up right where you left off, review, and reference a wealth of information at your fingertips. The best part is, the What to Expect series covers everything from preconception to the toddler years and more, and the super convenient Kindle editions are also available in Spanish. You can’t get more accessible than that, especially when considering just how much information is packed into a single book. What to Expect the First Year, by Heidi Murkoff has an MSRP of $16.95, on Kindle, but check the current What to Expect the First Year – Amazon price here.

BARGAIN BUY | Screamfree Parenting: How to Raise Amazing Adults by Learning to Pause More and React Less

Screamfree Parenting, 10th Anniversary Revised Edition How to Raise Amazing Adults by Learning to Pause More and React Less, by Hal Runkel

Screamfree Parenting, 10th Anniversary Revised Edition How to Raise Amazing Adults by Learning to Pause More and React Less, by Hal Runkel

When a parent’s day takes a left turn towards crazy town, it can be difficult to find a moment to pick up one of these parenting books. Not only that, but sometimes when you do find the time, chances are you won’t have one within reach. Optimize your time by going digital with your parental research by picking up a Kindle copy of Screamfree Parenting, 10th Anniversary Revised Edition: How to Raise Amazing Adults by Learning to Pause More and React Less by Hal Runkel. Consider this book preemptive study, a method and approach to not only maintaining your own sanity through the youngest years but preparing for a healthier relationship as your child grows. The lessons and advice contained within these digital pages are more than just a communication how-to guide for when your child is able to speak and run around on their own. While it might seem counter-intuitive to put the focus on success back on the parents, Runkel provides principles for a calm, personal revolution that starts with you. Parenting is about the parent, he maintains, not the child, and when you are focused and calm rather than reactionary, your child’s attitude will quickly begin to reflect that positive mentality. If this is the approach to parenting you want, pick this book up early and start applying the lessons early so you’re ready when the time comes. Screamfree Parenting, 10th Anniversary Revised Edition: How to Raise Amazing Adults by Learning to Pause More and React Less by Hal Runkel has an MSRP of $13.99, on Kindle, but check the current Screamfree Parenting – Amazon price here.


You can read a million books about parenting, but who has the time, especially when the littlest one is either here now or will be soon? Neither new parents nor veteran parents should stress themselves with trying to absorb and review mountains of texts about tips and tricks. The act of parenting itself is stressful enough. Don’t waste time with books that don’t fit your needs. Get a head start on your baby’s childhood with less stress and take a load off your shoulders by engaging with these five top-of-the-list texts. And to get a head start on your baby’s first library, check out our best baby book (0-12 months) right here!